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Coope ICT Center, Uganda – Project Team Members


Architects Without Borders Seattle is working in collaboration with Engineers without Borders to design a school for 50 students in a small rural community outside of Gulu, in the north of Uganda. Working with a local NGO, BOSCO (Battery Operated Systems for Community Outreach), the school will be a community hub, providing a space that will act as a learning center, an activity space for community events, and an incubator for small business.


The AWB volunteer team will develop the current design, in coordination with engineering team members, and produce a Construction Set. Construction is projected to begin toward the end of 2019, and providing a complete, easily understood construction set will contribute to the success of the project.

The current design incorporates a solar system for electrical needs, a well and water catchment for water needs, and a septic system for waste, so is essentially a net zero structure. The team will work to integrate these systems into the design, and develop well-designed solutions using local materials and local know-how and capabilities.


Volunteer Type Needed
General Project Volunteers, one or two people to work with the Project Lead


Skills, Attributes, Experience Required

  1. An intern architect, interested in developing the current design, and learning about developing a Construction Document Set

  2. Knowledge of Sketchup and Photoshop for design and presentation purposes

  3. Experience with, or interest in, sustainable design along with identifying construction means and methods that can employ local labor and utilize local materials

  4. Experience with, or motivation to study educational systems/models and local vernacular in West Africa


Dates/Start Date
Now through 8/31/19


Total Hours Required of Team Member Volunteers: 10-25


Project Duration + Location
One-time opportunity, a few months of volunteering with team based in Seattle. We will look to work independently with specific direction and tasks, and meet up every other week to review progress. Typically meetings will occur at the Woollen Studio office in the SoDo neighborhood of Seattle, WA.


  • Architectural detailing

  • Material research

  • 3D modeling

  • Site Planning

  • Construction Documents, drafting


Interested in applying to join the AWB Volunteer team for Coope ICT Center, Uganda?

Please complete this application, and for questions, reach out to Volunteer Project Lead Carter Woollen at

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