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Nzembol Memorial Foundation, Vocational Training Facility, Cameroon -

Volunteer Project Lead


NZEMBOL Memorial Foundation (NMF) is a nonprofit organization in the Bangem, Kupe-Muanenguba Division of the English speaking southwest region of Cameroon. The organization provides meaningful vocational training to youths and young adults in the rural region of Bangem. NMF successfully launched a homestead scholarship program in 2016, and developed a 5-year plan for the expansion of their program and development of the Vocational Training Centre, with the goal of completion by 2023.


The Volunteer Project Lead will develop and guide a team to provide early stage design guidance to the NZEMBOL Memorial Foundation (NMF) to aid in their goal of establishing a Vocational Training Centre in the rural area of Muakwe Bangem, Cameroon. The initial phase will involve programming and design visualization for use by NMF for their fundraising efforts. Design deliverables might include a building program, site master plan, and early schematic design visualizations.

Architecture, Landscape Architecture, Project Management


Skills, Attributes, Experience Needed
Project management and small team leadership skills. Architectural programming, master planning, schematic design, and visualization.


To be defined and selected by the Volunteer Project Lead with support from AWB


25+ hours


Start Date
As soon as able


6-12 months

Project Team Location


Meeting Frequency/Monthly Commitment
The Project Lead works with his/her team & AWB to establish meeting locations.  This can be once every two weeks or as needed.  Sometimes this might be virtual. There are monthly meetings of the AWB Project Committee at the Center for Architecture and Design in downtown Seattle on the evening of the first Wednesday of the month, where the Project Lead can discuss and/or present the work in progress.  The Project Committee goal is to support the Volunteer Project Leads.


Interested in applying to be the Volunteer Project Lead?

Please complete this application, and for questions, reach out to Jeff Brajcich at



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