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Support integrated housing stability with THE BLOCK Project!


The BLOCK Project was founded in 2016 by BLOCK Architects, and is managed by the nonprofit, Facing Homelessness. The mission of the BLOCK Project is to provide an integrated approach to addressing homelessness where everyone plays an important role.


By placing one small home in the backyard of every neighborhood block throughout Seattle, we can empower communities to address the housing crisis and support one another through kindness, empathy, and greater proximity. By leveraging existing land and community support, The BLOCK Project combats homelessness by offering supported housing, led by compassionate homeowners throughout Seattle.


Since the first BLOCK Home was built, over 100 homeowners have stepped up to say, “Yes, in my backyard.” BLOCK is doubling the construction and implementation of The BLOCK Project year after year until the project is fully scaled. Every home represents countless interactions between volunteers, neighbors, social service providers, engineers, contractors, and architects. While The BLOCK Project has ambitious scaling goals, their first commitment is to providing quality support for the vulnerable individuals coming out of homelessness.


Support from the skilled architecture community will ensure The BLOCK Project will double impact year after year. The first critical step – site assessments, visits, and plan creation – is where AWB partners with The BLOCK Project. With the time and talent of AWB volunteers, BLOCK can reach critical mass and continue permitting homes throughout Seattle and building communities of compassion and integration.


Estimated time commitment is as follows:


  • 3 hour orientation meeting (upcoming orientation sessions will occur after July 2019)

  • 1-2 hours site visit (recurring based on desired frequency; must commit to at least ONE site visit)

  • 1-3 hours site plan drawing (recurring based on desired frequency; must commit to at least ONE plan drawing)

  • 1 hour revision (as required)

  • 1-3 hour celebration with BLOCK Architects and volunteers (optional, but recommended!)


Skills + Experience Needed

  • 3 or more years professional experience is preferred

  • Experienced in Schematic Design. You will be asked in the application form whether you have proficiency & access to Revit. If you do have access to Revit, please confirm with your firm that they support use of their licenses in pro-bono community work. BLOCK Architects will submit permits on their titleblock, so there will be no liability for participants using their own software. AWB supports and encourages volunteer participation, regardless of what access you may or may not have available to Revit software.


AWB Project Team Volunteer Participation Requirements

  • Attend volunteer orientation at BLOCK Architects - 420 S Massachusetts St (mandatory; makeup sessions TBD for those unable to join) upcoming orientations after July 2019

  • Develop Site Plan (complete at least one site plan within the first month after orientation)

    • Receive address of potential site from AWB Project Leads

    • Coordinate a site visit with AWB Project Leads and potential hosts

    • Review “AWB + Block Project Smartsheet” for site-specific notes from BLOCK Architects prior to site visit

    • During the site visit, document existing conditions and identify a location for a BLOCK Project. Thoroughly photograph the site and potential BLOCK Project location. Confirm that all items on the “Site Plan Checklist” have been addressed.

    • Draw a site plan and complete lot coverage and site information based on SDCI Tip 103 (Basic Site Plan requirements) and previous examples of successful BLOCK Project site plans. Submit completed plan to AWB Project Leads


One site plan required within the first month after orientation. Commitment can be ongoing, with minimum of one (1) site plan required per month (flexible based on circumstances). All potential hosts for The BLOCK Project are located within the City of Seattle. Volunteers will have the option to prioritize sites close to where they live and/or work.


Interested in Applying to be a Team Project Volunteer?

Please complete this application

You will be asked to upload a letter of interest, and CV/resume, or include a link to a comprehensive LinkedIn Profile. Questions? Contact Sharon Rubin at or Val Sporleder at

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